Friday, March 11, 2022

Wing Foiling Session - 3/11/2022

 The forecasts were converging on solutions that called for decent wind this afternoon - and for once, the forecasts materialized!!!  OR 5.0 pumped up for today's run - and I wanted to see if the strut bladder was leaking (was soft last time).  Wind was over 20mph - but the water wasn't whitecapping.

I wasn't expecting steady, strong winds so I brought the 32.5" GoFoil mast, and the GL210 and PNL185. 

The wind was good a strong when I pulled up at 4pm.  Ken was coming in (had his new 7.0 Cabrinha Crosswing X3).  Matt was also coming in.  Jim and Harris were still out.  Harris and I headed out to Firsts - there were waves and the wind was holding so this made for a great session!

During the second half of the session, I was just practicing turns to get them back to second nature.  And I was able to get a duck jibe in!!!  Second attempt was successful - but every other try after that was botched.

It has been so long since we had wind like today!


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