Thursday, March 3, 2022

Wing Foiling Session - 3/3/2022

While I was driving home, Harris texted me and said there was wind.  I had noticed the thermals kicking in from the west, but I didn't check on it until Harris said Hickam was not that good, but White Plains did.  I checked the wind chart and was totally surprised - thermals blowing from the WNW (offshore at WPB).

I got home and asked Marlon if he wanted to go to the beach.  He asked what I was doing and I had already begun to pack the winging gear.  He said he was pass on surfing (based on an earlier drone recon mission) and just take pictures.

Here are two he grabbed of me.

I forgot my watch, so I won't be posting speed charts and track overlays.  But this was pretty spot on magnitude wise.

This direction of wind is rare on the south shore.  I was riding waves that were forming in the strong west winds.  The wind was full of holes and I had my fair share of lulls.  I did manage to get some really good rides in - wide wing foiling board, Ocean Rodeo A 5.0, GoFoil's GL180 - great equipment!

Hopefully another thermal develops tomorrow!


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