Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Front Foil Fairing

The next few days are supposed to have crazy nuking winds plowing through.  I packed all the small stuff I have (Cabrinha Mantis 2.5, Reedin SW1 3.6) and I made a point to repair this Axis HPS 700.

I watched the Delta Foils YouTube channel and saw they filled imperfections in wetted surfaces with Bondo glaze.  Here I am giving it a go.

It needs to be spread pretty thin and fairly quickly - this mix is solvent based and it evaporates as soon as it is exposed to air.

It gets into the crevices fairly easy. 

This is the tube.

After about 30 minutes, I sanded with 320/400/600.  The bondo comes off easy.  I went ahead and wetsanded to whole front foil to make sure the surface has a uniform texture (smooth).

And since I was sanding, I figured I'd put a Donaldson Trailing Edge on the back edge of the foil.

This foil is ready to rip!!!

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