Friday, February 24, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 2/23/2023

La wasn't feeling well, so I stayed home until she was feeling better.  Around noon I was able to go to Hickam and grab a quick winging session.  Ryan and Jim were out - the wind was up and down still - but trending towards good.

I brought No.25, the Eagle 1090/DW210, and the RS 5.1.

I also used the Gath Helmet I recently got on Ebay for the first time.  This one has the retractable visor (for when it is ridiculously sunny - or rainy like yesterday was).

Usually on the first day back winging (after a dry spell) I like to take it easy, get a bunch of transitions in, and get my muscle memory established again.

I got in 12.31 miles in just under an hour.  My first transition was a heel to toe tack - these feel so good when they are executed correctly.  When the wind was right for it, I did pull a toe to heel tack on the inside.  The Eagle 1090 makes a huge difference in being able to pull this tack (for me).

I went out to Firsts and caught some really fun waves - especially one where I was in the pocket as it broke - 

The anemometer at the airport was messed up - but the wind was about perfect for the RS 5.1
That's a long time on foil (front half of the session).  And not a bad top speed for not trying too hard.

Wind is on tap for days according to the forecasts!  Small wings and small foils!


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