Monday, February 27, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 2/27/2023

After I got off from work, I got in a relatively quick session - I had to leave around 4:30 to go pick up Noe from school.  The wind was really gusty - from maybe 15 mph as a low gusting up past 35 mph at times.

I took out the same gear as yesterday to make setup quicker.

I declared today's session the "tack attack" - nothing but tacking on both sides (except for a handful of times where I knew there wasn't enough wind to tack).

On my toe-heel tack, I need to get the foil to carve harder through the wind - if I botched up the tack it was because the foil would track straight.  But I got in the most toe-heel tacks I've ever gotten - almost no loops in the tracks below!!!

There was a school of halalu swimming around - and a booby bird was fishing the school.  Really cool to watch it use the ground effect to pick up speed, then rocketing back up.

Super fun getting blasted!!!


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