Sunday, April 23, 2023

Garage Works - 4/23/2023

I sanded No.31 this morning.  The sanding went really well.

I exposed a few places that needed a fill so I added some epoxy.  I also layered more over the decals so final sanding should go smoothly.

I took a break because Noe had a performance this afternoon.  After we got back, I mowed the lawn, did some laundry, templated a new full deck pad I recently got (so I can replicated it), and then I mixed 4.2 ounces of epoxy to put another fill coat on the top deck of No.31 and some additional layering over the decals on the top deck of No.30.

I foresee a lot of sanding in my future...

I'll get the bottom deck fill coated tomorrow.

I also got in the plastic syringes to inject epoxy in the delamination sections of Kalani's SUP foling board.

I should be able to get these two boards wet by this weekend.

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