Saturday, April 22, 2023

Wing Foiling Session - 4/22/2023

I hit Kailua this morning hoping to snag some wind.  The forecasts were correct - there was just enough wind to get up on foil.  Probably blowing 10 to 15.  There was a kite foiler out with an 11m RAM kite.  This guy was setting up and 11m, but then changed his mind to put up a bigger kite.

Rex had already pumped up a Duotone Unit 6.0, and setup up a 75l board with his Eagle 990.

I rigged big - the RS 6.1, the WWFB and the Eagle 1090 (which has become my light wind foil).

I got in almost 14 miles in an hour.  There were some really small waves, but I was just happy to be able to get up on foil and ride.

I was comfortably powered on the 6.1

At a few points, Rex and I were in close proximity to each other - and he would over take me.  I'm not sure if it was the Eagle 990, or the F One Mast - but he was faster.

I'm so glad I winged this morning!


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