Friday, February 16, 2024

Evening Session - 2/16/2024

My neck seems to be back to normal - so after a quick nap this afternoon, Marlon and I hit the beach for an evening session.

The waves were not as clean as yesterday - but if you waited and had the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time, there were some gems to be had.

Marlon brought his longboard, his new drone and his water photography equipment.  He longboarded first and was catching a bunch of nice waves.

I had expectations that the XXL swell hitting the North Shore would have enough West in it to wrap around to WPB.  The reports from yesterday were that it was showing at Swabbies and Bunkers, but that wasn't the case at WPB today.

What I did get to do was swap out the fins on the GWT from the Endorfin Twins over to a set of True Ames Stussy Power Twins. 

The profiles of the two sets of fins were not far off from each other, but the Power Twins are made of volan so they are meant to flex way more than the Endorfin Twins.

It was actually pretty crowded despite the time of day - a lot of Wavestorms in the lineup. I was not overly aggressive in trying to catch a bunch of waves - I was still gun shy for my shoulder/neck muscles.   But I did catch a couple of nice ones.  

If the swell was a foot more, the GWT would have been the magic carpet.  Today's conditions were more suited to the Sweet Potato - but it was a really good session to get into the water!  From what I could tell - I think I will enjoy surfing with the Power Twins.


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