Thursday, September 5, 2024

Evening Session - 9/5/2024

The wind was up enough to chop up the surface, but not strong enough to provide consistently ridable propulsion (for me at least).  Plus - I did wait for the North Shift Lock boom that I had ordered for the North Nova Pro 5.0 that I got (with the funds I recently got for selling stuff) - but it didn't arrive in time for today's winds.

I got in a Foil Drive session this afternoon.  Kalani and Norm were out winging.  Roland and Zach were getting set up for prone foiling (with Prayot to come along later).  The tide was nice and high so no sweat on the way in or out.

Standard lower and mast - with what is quickly becoming the norm (No.34).  More than any board before it, No.34 has demonstrated itself to be the universal board.

I split the session - first being out with Kalani and Norm.  But once Norm went in I was looking for a wave to take me in so I could confirm the details of the board I'll be building for him.

Still got in some miles despite the challenging conditions.

I spent time on both sides of WPB.  There are a few double dips in the mix.

10 to 13 rides today - pretty good pace!

There are whispers of the wind filling back in on Saturday...  good time to test out the North Nova Pro 5.0!!!


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