Friday, September 6, 2024

Evening Session - 9/6/2024

The weather looked promising yesterday afternoon for winging - but by the time I got out from work and everything loaded, I could feel the pressure backing off.

I did charge up the Foil Drive battery so that's what I ended up using.

When I pulled up, Gary was talking with Kalani.  He started setting up also and brought this gem out of his van.  This would likely be a really good parawing board...

This was a short session as I had to get to a family party to celebrate my nephew's graduation from Fed Fire training and he and his fiancee's engagement.

Kalani was also out on Foil Drive.  And I saw Roland in the parking lot (eating Chik-Filet).  Zach and Naomi were already out when I pulled up into the parking lot.  Prayot arrived later and there was another prone foiler over by cabins.

There were some chest high waves starting to come through -

I got seven fun rides in this short session.  There's a couple of good double dips in there somewhere -


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