Friday, September 13, 2024

Wing Foiling Session, Part 1 - 9/13/2024

The trade winds finally came back!!!  Prayot let me borrow his AFS Silk 850 and HA Ultra 750 and I got to run some testing yesterday.  

I focused on the Silk 850.  I ran it on both masts - first was the Project Cedrus Class 85.

Here's where the mast settled out (actually mounted further back than the Eagle 890).

And here's the Silk 850 on the Evolution Wind mast.  I placed it in the same position and it worked flawless.

Here's the wind during the "lunch" outing. I had plenty of power on the North Nova Pro 5.0 (I'm liking this wing more and more).

Decent mileage for a shortish session.

First run.  The Silk being a wave riding foil isn't the fastest for its size - but what it's missing in speed it more than makes up for in carving maneuverability - 

Nice wind direction and while the tide was rising, there was some fun sized surf.

It has speed, but not blistering speed

Second run (and this one is where I was testing something on the Evolution adapter).

Slight wind shift, but similar conditions to the earlier run.

The Silk is well behaved in transitions - my first turns were back to back tacks.

More testing to follow -


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