Sunday, March 14, 2021

Rough Shaping Done on No.21

I decided to stop looking at the templated blank sitting in the corner of the garage (just waiting to get hit by something) and to start shaping.  I used the cordless Makita and just held the vacuum hose on the debris ejection port.  I got the bottom work done and took just a little off the top.  After that, I broke out the rough surform and tried to fair in the blank.

I got it to about 80% today.  The next big step will be to get the rails tweaked and the nose entry cut in.  This board is going to be a hair under 4'9" and hopefully thicker than 3.75" - that means thickness retention and a lot of work to round off the rails.

I saw a homemade tool that Kazuma uses to get consistency in his rails - I bought some sheet metal and I'm going to try and replicate it this week.  

And here's my stopping point today - I'll call it 80% shaped.

I put the track reinforcement block in the space where it will go - fits just right.  I'm going to go steeper on the rail walls at the tail - sort of FFB Rubix like (just much simpler)

You can see on the left side of this picture that I have to work on the nose some more.  

So today I worked on this for 2 hours.  That brings the cumulative time to 3 hours (templating was less than an hour).

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