Sunday, July 25, 2021

Garage Works - 7/25/2021

And before i went winging in the mid afternoon, I was at home with La (who wasn't feeling well).  She did start to feel better so I went to the garage to get more of the projects completed.  I started with fixing the 15" Nico rear stabilizer.

Good as new!

I then moved on to Harris' 420 rear stabilizer.  This one was definitely harder (and is still not done).

I was trying to see if the epoxy and carbon strands would hold.  They didn't, so on goes another layer of carbon.

I took a look at this after the test pot showed the epoxy was hard - definitely stiffer.

I also sanded down the repair on the 5'2" foil board and placed fiberglass patches in place.  I just need to sand and this board is ready to get back in the water.

I also placed epoxy/aerosil on Bryce's board where it still needed fill (the nose and the rail).  Productive day - and Harris' stabilizer and the 5'2" should be done tomorrow.  I'll sand down the repaired areas on Bryce's board and get fiberglass on the repaired areas tomorrow.  I need to clear these projects so I can focus on Kalani's winging board.

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