Saturday, July 31, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 7/31/2021

Really fun session today!!!  Wind was super strong, there were some waves and the tide was high enough to get in and out without too much drama.  Pumped up the Ensis 4.5m, bolted on the HS1550 and held on for the ride!!!

Not the best conditions for luffing - the swell was coming in from the SSE and the winds from hard from the East - but it wasn't too bad riding goofy today.

This one was taken mid-jibe - I've already switched my feet and am getting ready to carve to the left.  I tried jumping three times today - ate it on two, didn't even take off.  But the third I got everything lined up and took off using a wave as a ramp - I felt I got pretty high up (but it's hard to tell on foil).  I came down and fell backwards.  My feet didn't come out of the straps easily... I could see how you can mess up your ankles if you don't control your landings.  I decided to just focus on riding waves for the rest of the session.

I got in 17.4 nm in two and a half hours of winging.  The chop made it a little harder to ride today - lots of little bumps on top of the bigger swell posed challenges getting up as well as riding.

The wind chart was from Hickam, but it seemed more correct for what was out at WPB.  Crazy nuts!!!!

Top speed was 17.6 kt on the HS1550.  If the wind is as strong as it is forecasted to be tomorrow morning, I'm going to pump up the Reedin 3.6m and bolt on the HS1250.

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