Monday, June 6, 2022

Evening Session - 6/5/2022

After knocking out a bunch of errands, Marlon and I hit the beach for a late afternoon session.  Marlon brought his longboard, but opted out since there was a pretty solid sea breeze.  Instead he flew his drone.  I bolted on the 1440 again, but changed out the 17" rear stabilizer for the 14.875" one.

I caught a bunch of really fun waves.  Turning was definitely snappier with the narrower span stabilizer.  

This one was me picking up a second wave after pumping back out (look for the trail)

And this one is me pumping back out.  The 1440 does make this act a whole lot easier.  There was a new south swell pushing through, so plenty of energy to go around (and the crowd dispersed accordingly).

Erik was out again getting more time with the prone setup.

Eddy was out SUP foiling his wing board.  I was talking to him afterwards and he broke his boxes (front and back) - and just like that I took on another repair job. 


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