Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dawn Patrol -5/18/2024

I forgot to change the power output setting on the Foil Drive.  And I think it would have been a good experiment today.

The waves were moving very fast again today.  And they were still stacking up against each other.  The singles moving through would be flat once second, and then vertical, pitching donuts the next.  I ended up bailing on the majority of the waves I was able to catch - the faces were too steep.

Same equipment as yesterday.  On the way out, I thought it was deep enough - it wasn't.  I wanted to do a better repair job on the Spitfire 840 anyways.

I did stay out for an hour and a half.  But I should have gone in and grabbed the Hammah Fish....

I was way out there -

The count below isn't really accurate.  I got to speed a several - and like I said earlier I would bail and cut my losses.

I am actually curious if the high power setting would have made a difference...

Tough session today


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