Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Evening Session - 5/21/2024

I go tin an evening session on the Foil Drive this afternoon.

There was actually some wind - but I'd say it was a better call to Foil Drive in the given conditions.

The waves were still overhead if you were patient.

The high tide made launching and landing pretty easy today.

I really took the Foil Drive out to drain the battery - I thought the wind was going to come back up to nuking levels and I didn't want the battery to sit fully charged.

I had a great time!

The choppy did make it challenging, but the waves were the easiest to catch over the past several days (no bottom drop outs, pitching lips, or super steep and fast takeoffs).

I caught a hand full that offered rippable walls all the way from the outside to where the longboarders line up.

Twelve waves in an hour and fifteen minutes - not bad.

I do want to bring No.36 out for an anointment - but with the wind forecast, I'm not sure that'll happen in the next few days.  I could take it out with the Foil Drive though...


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