Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dawn Patrol - 5/19/2024

I didn't have much hope for a Foil Drive session this morning - and Dennis got on a text string early this morning to confirm WPB was big and unruly again.  Plus it was a pretty low tide... I figured I'd cut my losses and get in some surfing.

It was big and unruly - but with the Hammah Fish and some patience, I was able to thread the needle on several waves!

In fact, every wave I caught and rode was really fun.  Top turns, bottom turns, outrunning a pitch lip - this board makes me look good!  I caught a few that were just overhead and a few more that were chest high - lower wave count on shortboards (I'm spoiled by the Foil Drive).

I hate to admit it, but I really like these fins.  I never felt like they were losing grip in any of the boards and situations I had them in.  The Great White Twin, the Sweet Potato, and I think the Boogie Fish - all worked well with these Endorfin Twins.

It's days like this that make me realize how lucky I am to live where I do -


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