Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Evening Session - 5/15/2024

Not quite an anointment (as I got this board second hand) - but this 5'6" Hammah Fish from J.Splee Surfboards is killer!!!

As you can see I have the Endorfin Twins inserted - these worked really well today (and made the rides incredibly fun).

There is a pretty substantial 'V' running in the back half of the board - and that made this board want to rotate rail to rail.  The rails are really pinched hard, so the board holds in steeper faces - 

This thing goes hard where fish are not supposed to...

I'm guessing this board has around 42 liters of volume - it was so easy to paddle into waves.  But it is amazing how all the volume is packed into such a manageable frame.  I actually didn't like the Greedy Beaver I had because of this issue - the size I got was just too big and corky for me to get into waves and turn - the Hammah Fish is obviously smaller, but it also just works better.

Marlon brought out his longboard and he was catching some really good rides despite the onshore winds.

I caught 4 and had to pay with 3 missed ones.  The rides I did catch were pretty long, the waves were steep and I got to get some great turns in.  My first wave was amazing - it's interactions like this that let you know you have a great board.

I am looking forward to a great summer with this board!!!


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