Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dawn Patrol - 5/5/2024

Noe had a concert today so I opted to get in a Foil Drive dawn patrol.

There was surf, and the wind was up - so it didn't look so good.  It looks so not good that Marlon opted out.

It was also a super low tide... made for a long paddle out.

I brought the same setup as last time (at Hickam) - Spitfire 960/Skinny 365 on the 85cm Project Cedrus mast.  The performance I got last time was not a fluke - this shit surfs!!!

The conditions were better than they looked - but the waves were a little hard to catch.  Once you were on them, it was awesome.

Got some long rides.  Also got some rides on slightly overhead peaks.  And I got to shoot from one side of a breaker over to the other side and back again.

17 waves by my count.  I know some of the fainter readings were the botched takeoffs I had when the chop was enough to throw my balance off.

When I was back on the beach, Marvin was headed to the launch.  I told him it was pretty choppy with the wind.

Even with all the chop, I had so many swooping turns and bouncy cutbacks - totally awesome rides!!!


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