Monday, May 6, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 5/6/2024

The forecasts for this afternoon were different - one said there would be wind, the other said it was already gone.

Lucky for me, there was wind.  And the tide was really high so launching was pretty darn easy.

The wind was there, but it was a little up and down.  I didn't bring the SW2 5.2 - SW2 4.7 and the Ezzy Flight 4.0.  I opted for the SW2 4.7

And to break the really long F One foil streak I've been on, I decided to use the Axis Spitfire 840 (post repair).  I kept it paired with the Progressive 325 rear stabilizer.

The waves were small for the most part - but if you had good timing, there were head high gems to be had.

I was out for over an hour before Roland, Duke and Prayot launched.  The chart is showing more north in this wind event.  I would say today's wind was more thermal driven and less the event that was pushing from a more easterly direction.

I actually got some really good rides.  The Spitfire does allow you to tack - but it does not have to follow through that the SK8 or Eagle have.  That is a long winded way of saying I got stuck on a few of the tacks.

I also got in a couple of toe-side tacks (keeping the progress going).

Just enough for the 4.7 - and I had a few longer lulls (floating around waiting for the gusts)

I'm glad I got one more day of wind in before it faded.


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