Monday, May 20, 2024

Garage Works - 5/20/2024

I passed on an evening session today to get No.36 over the finish line.

I sanded the last fill coat down and got the leash plug and vent leveled out.

Then I went through the whole sanding regime 40-60-120-180-220-and 320 wet sanding.

I opened up the mast track slots and faired them in.

Then I sprayed clear coat - a can and a half.

This thing is sick!!!

I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out.

I lined up the deck pads - going to use the Creatures of Leisure pads.  And I cut some filler strips also so I can spread out the factory pieces.

The wind is forecasted to come back to trade flow sometime this week - I'll get the deck pad on, drill a hole and install the vent, and get the leash loop on - anointment coming soon! 

It feels good to get this one done!

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