Sunday, May 19, 2024

Garage Works - 5/19/2024

I've actually been doing work in the garage, but not documenting it.  I got the Spitfire 840 all patched up and I've been sanding No.36 a little bit a t a time.

Moving forward, I decided to start the repairs on the Cabrinha H800.  I used the glazing putty to fill the deeper scratches.  Here I am sanding them down. 

Then I used the solid paint pen to get the gaps as close to the surrounding areas.  It took a few iterations, but it's better than 95% now.  I also put a Donaldson trailing edge on the foil.

I didn't sand beyond 320 because I had errands to run - but I got through the hard part.

And talking about hard parts - I got through the rough sanding on No.36 today.

Here's the bottom deck - 

And the top deck.

After dinner, I drilled in the holes for the plugs and got them epoxied in.

I used the extra epoxy to put one more thin fill coat on the board and close up a few known issue spots (unruly innegra, some shallow fish eyes, and a couple of holes near a foot strap insert).

Tomorrow I'll sand this fill coat and the vent and leash plugs.  I'll also open up the mast tracks.  If I have it in me, I'll also try to get through the other sanding grits (80-120-180-220-320-400).  That shouldn't take too long - but there is also some surf out there still...

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