Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 5/1/2024

The trades came back earlier than expected.  And they were really consistent and steady from the East!!!

The waves were good, but infrequent (and I think as the trades build, the surf will subside).

The tide was pretty low (so I had to paddle a ways out to takeoff).

There were whitecaps across the outside wind line - so I pumped up the Reedin SW2 4.7

I had expected the wind to be a little lighter so I only brought the Eagle 1090/DW210 - but with the SW2 4.7 it was a good pairing.

Eli was out with his 6.0 and Roland used a 4.0 (I think).

This was a pretty fun session.  At first I had the fence on the Project Cedrus mast - but I was having some issues so I just took it off.  That actually was the best thing I did for the session.

Pretty good stats.

I got some fun tacks in on the outside - and the wind penetrated pretty deep into the usual "no wind" zones.

I felt perfectly powered on the 4.7

I managed to nab a few head high waves (when they came through).

The black slots early on were me dealing with the fence and trying to adjust the harness line.  The latter ones were me trying to push the 1090 as if it was the SK8 750.

I did have a couple of close calls with the foil and the wing - it's actually been a minute since I flew the SW2... lucky today nothing got damaged.

With the tide low again in the afternoon, I may try to catch the wind at the peak tomorrow and get a lunch session in at Hickam... that way I can get some time in the garage to work on the board.


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