Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Garage Works - 6/11/2024

I didn't feel 100% (still fighting whatever flu variant I picked up a week ago) so I opted to rest when I got home from work.

But after I got up, I did help La in the garden, and then I headed into the garage to further the projects on the rack.

First up was No.37 - after lots of internet research, I decided to secure the track block in the routed out slot with clear Gorilla Glue.  The fit was really tight so I didn't need the expanding glue (and I didn't want it to shift in the slot), and I didn't want to risk damage from exotherming epoxy.

The glue was easy to apply and everything went together perfectly.

Then I turned my attention to the SUP Foiling board.  I got carbon patches and anchored them with epoxy - at the SUP handle and the tuttle screw holes.

Tomorrow I'll be able to flip this board and get the pour foam placed in the slot to rebuild the slot structurally.

Once the pour foam hardens, I can route to the depth of the foam blocks and get those installed.  For this set, I'll likely use the regular Gorilla Glue to get a tighter fit with the expansion.

Then I'll route the slots for the tracks and get those epoxied in.  At some point I think I'll have to reinstall a new SUP handle... I swear sometimes these retrofits are harder than new builds.

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