Sunday, June 2, 2024

Garage Works - 6/2/2024

I helped Marlon get the clear coat on his new longboard.  We opted to go with a 2K Clear Coat (2-part) and it saved us from having to deal with more fill coats and sanding.

It came out really nice!  We are going to need to fill in one area where there was an air bubble in the epoxy, but after that he can FINALLY surf this board (I think over two years in the making).

And after I got back from winging and helping Marlon spray the top deck, I got to work on getting the rough shaping done on No.36

I had to tweak the outline a bit - and it looks a whole lot better.  I got the rough shape dialed in to a high degree (probably close to 90%)

I'm thinking about putting footstraps on this one - I'm going to have to transpose where I believe I keep my feet when I'm Foil Drive-ing No.33

This is the top deck.

Or maybe I won't bother with the footstraps - I've got a few days to think about it.

I also got the box position decided on and marked the cut line.

If I have time, I'll sand the blank tomorrow and get the reinforcement block hole routed out.

I'm going to use carbon patches underneath basalt cloth on this one.  Will do a pigment fill coat top and bottom.

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