Monday, June 17, 2024

Garage Works - 6/17/2024

Between napping and working on the yard (edging and mowing), I got the big SUP repair forwarded.

I started by using the planner to take down the pour foam.  Then I used the router to open the slot to accommodate the polyurethane blocks.

Here's the open slot and the foam blocks.  I had to use the surform to get everything to fit the way I wanted it to. 

Expanding Gorilla Glue for this one.  I've been reading a lot of feedback on how other people secure this - most have moved on from epoxy to avoid the exotherm damage potential.  And the Gorilla Glue is stronger than the foam it is securing together - so the results strength wise should be the same.

At this point I had finished the yardwork and used the planer and surform to level out the foam block (and glue that expanded out).  Then I marked up the center line and the 90mm spacing 

And here is where I stopped for the day - I setup the first cut.

I'll cut the slots out tomorrow and then likely epoxy in the tracks.  I should go ahead and cut out the reinforcement patches and get those epoxied on at the same time (so everything chemically bonds together).

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