Saturday, January 14, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 1/14/2023

It was COLD this morning!  The truck's thermometer was reading 57F.  I had already put my shorty and long sleeve hooded top on before leaving the house.

Tim was there - used his new Armstrong MA1000.  Kalani was trying to work out the placement for the Advanced fuselage - he was using his ART999

There was some surf coming in, mainly waist high.  The wind was light, but you could feel it blow (because it made you colder).  The tide was 1.0' rising to 1.2' so no real concern about grounding the foil. 

I had the 4'8" prone with the short Project Cedrus mast, the ART1099 on the ultrashort fuselage and 400P rear stabilizer.

I caught plenty of waves - lost count.  The first few were singles as I was making sure I had the muscle memory to surf this foil.  After that I was getting double dips and towards the end of the session I was pulling triples.

After about 8 o'clock the waves backed down (the tide was peaking), so I figured I'd call it (since Marlon and I had to go to the dentist today). 

Really fun day!


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