Sunday, January 29, 2023

Evening Session - 1/29/2023

It was raining this morning and the winds did not shift away from straight north - so I figured I'd just sleep in (or do some internet research).  The wind was more than strong enough to wing, but I am not a fan of winging in offshore winds.

Noe had a performance today so we went into Manoa to support her.  On the way back I stopped into HIC Ala Moana and grabbed a 2mm thermal wetsuit top.  We got back home with plenty of sunlight left, so I went to the beach to test the new long sleeve wetsuit top.

I brought the Viking having low expectations of the wave energy coming in.

The wetsuit top worked great - nice and snug, not too tight on the shoulders so I can paddle well, and a cool key pocket.  I was toasty warm the whole time (68F air temp, 76F water temp).  We've got a several weeks worth of cool mornings and north winds, so this top will see a lot of use.

I caught five really fun waves - the Viking can catch anything and stalling, cranking turns, and trimming are so much fun on this board.  This board is definitely a session saver.

It is going to be pretty small for the next couple of days.  The wind is also forecasted to die back as this front passes over us.  I have a board repair I have to get done for Jim... I might be doing some board surgery while the small conditions are present.


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