Monday, January 16, 2023

Dawn Patrol - 1/16/2023

 Happy Birthday Dr Martin Luther King Jr!!!  The world is a better place because of the work you did and continue to inspire.

Marlon and I pulled a dawn patrol.  There were waves!  Head high on the outside (in the middle of January!!!).  The wind was pretty much calm and the tide was dropping to a low of 0.7'

Because of the tide and the frustrations I had yesterday (with catching waves and the crowd), I took out the Viking.

And true to form, the Viking delivered.  We had about an hour of surf time before we had to head back so I could bring the truck in for maintenance.  An hour was all I needed -

I caught a handful of waves - but each was full of stalls, huge carves and long runs.

I am really happy with my current quiver of boards.  Each is really fun in the conditions they were built for - but a few are good across a huge range.  The Viking and the Everyday are especially capable of generating stoke from nothing waves or harnessing energy from bigger days.

Marlon and Kaylani were out also - but I was catching more waves.

I can do this all day and not get bored!

Super fun session this morning!!!


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