Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Garage Works - 1/18/2023

Haoli la hanau Marlon Makai Velasco!!!!  20 years young!!!!

I had a few minutes after getting home before we had to leave for Marlon's birthday dinner - so I quickly sanded the bottom deck to clean up the fill coat from yesterday.  AND I went ahead and applied a second fill coat.

After our awesome dinner at California Beach Rock'in Sushi, we came home and I went ahead and got a fill coat on the top deck (this step actually puts me ahead of schedule).

This is the Pro Link epoxy I'm using for the top coat.  SHould have a nice purplish hue to the board.

Tomorrow I'll sand away the excess resin.  This board is small enough that I should be able to sand it all.  Plus, I didn't have a ton of excess resin on this board.

I'll also try and get the vent and leash plug installed tomorrow.

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