Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Garage Works - 11/28/2023

Spent the afternoon running errands and getting the truck maintained.  When I got back home, I pulled the old GoFoils off the wall to get them cleaned up.  I might have a buyer that could use these (totally brand new to foiling).

The big Maliko 200.

The 32.5" mast I used for windsurf foiling and wing foiling.  The flat tail adapter came off this one without too much grief.

The Iwa 170 on the 27.5" mast.  The flat tail adapter had to be cut apart to get off the rear fuselage.

Still in great shape!

This is the stuff I'm going to probably sell.  It wasn't too long ago that this stuff was coveted.  Now most people have it stuffed in their garages collecting dust.  I actually learned a lot using these two foils.  If I do sell them, it will be a little sad seeing them go - but I'd rather they go to someone who will use them, instead of seeing them sit in my garage gathering dust.

After that exercise, I went ahead and got the boxes epoxied into place on No.33

With the milder temperatures, the slow took a while to harden this evening.  I am definitely behind on the production of this board...

I may grab some fast hardener and resin tomorrow, and try to get the bottom laminated (and also the carbon patch over the new boxes on No.30)

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