Saturday, August 10, 2024

Dawn Patrol - 8/10/2024

Dawn patrolled WPB this morning.

No consistent wind, but it wasn't glassy either.  Nice rising tide (but I still had a couple of bumps trying to get outside).

And there was some surf coming through - I'd call it chest high on the sets.

Marlon was also on the dawn patrol (but he drove "his" Crosstrek separately so he could leave earlier to do something for work).

Same setup as last time.

Kalani, Dennis and I were outside the SUPs, but for me the waves were hard to pick up. 

I did catch what I would expect, but it just took work - even outright pumping to get setup on a wave's power core.

I'll call this 15 rides.  I caught more than that, but on some I just peeled off because the wave would flatten out.

Good fun - but the waves were not as big as I thought they would be. 


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