Monday, August 26, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 8/26/2024

Spicy riding today - first this....

Then getting out through the white wash to find bomber sets rolling through.  There was wind, but it felt thin and didn't have the push it normally does (Hurricane Hone winds have seemed this way for the past several days)

I used No.36/Spitfire 840/325P/Project Cedrus 85cm mast and the Reedin SW2 5.2

Not a day to get stuck outside - Kalani, Duke and Prayot all came out to revel in the large surf.

I did not throw a single tack today - the turns were actually pretty critical today.  Miss one and you could get bowled over.

And the Spitfire was acting wonky today.  It wasn't getting up as fast as it normally does, and it was really twitchy.

I'm not sure if I've been spoiled by the F Ones, or if today had a lot of turbulence on the top layer of water - all I know is it was exceptionally challenging today.

I did catch a handful of bomber waves - when the waves broke the whitewater was way overhead (and I was up on foil).

I came in because I felt the pressure gradient drop.  I did not want to risk having to paddle in on a day like today.  Take enough - don't be greedy.


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