Monday, August 12, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 8/12/2024

Met up with Nick at WPB.

Wind was good on the outside when I got there.  Nice high tide and there were still some waves left.

Same gear as yesterday - just swapped out No.32 for No.36

Nick stayed on shore for a bit since his family was also at the beach.

Duke came out next, then Nick and finally Roland.

The waves were chest to head high, and were super fun going left.  The wind had a lot of North in it so the runs were getting quite parallel to the shore. 

Tons of opportunity to crank tacks onto incoming waves

Did I miss a spot???!!!!

The wind really picked up for about 30 minutes after 4:30

Marlon flew his drone - it is amazing the stuff that starts to happen when there is a camera flying around.

The wind also seemed to be channeled into lanes.  Had to pump across some of the softer wind lanes a few times.

I can't complain - this was down right fun!!!

Tomorrow is supposed to be windier!!!


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