Monday, August 19, 2024

Tuning Foils

I skipped out on beach time today - I was kinda tired and I also wanted to get some projects started/finished.

First up was tuning the AFS Pure Race 50.

The trailing edge of the front foil had a couple of chips and an edge that was less than perfect.

I used the wetsanding regime and got a Donaldson Trailing Edge on the front foil.

The trailing edge is nice a tuned up now.

With stronger winds coming later this week, I'll get to test this again.  I may make two runs at this - first will be No.36 but without footstraps (or maybe not as I don't want to necessarily have to reset the footstraps), and second - using No.34 to address the balancing issue (smaller foil - set more forward, needing my feet further forward to balance out the foil).

If the foil still sings (and mind you it wasn't that bad - especially compared to the F One Eagle 1090 I first tried - the foil screamed), I'll address the rear stabilizer.

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