Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 8/22/2024

Winged again this afternoon.  Today was way better than yesterday!

The wind was stronger, steadier and had more east in it.  That seemed to help kill a bunch of the chop that was in the water yesterday.  That also made the ride more fun -

The tide was high - that's always nice (especially on the foils).

Bo-bo was chilling on the beach.

Same gear as yesterday - just switched out the SK8 950 for the Eagle 890 (and everything felt better - probably would have been the opposite if the waves were bigger).

It was just Kalani and I today - 

The wind was such that I could ride the waves through the break in front of the Cabins - usually that's the dead zone...

I got a bunch of tacks in - as long as there was enough wind it was easy.

This is the chart from Hickam.  They might have had a tad bit more wind than we did at WPB.  I felt perfectly powered on the 4.7 for most of the session (so we were probably a notch below this - but more than the Kalaeloa meter was showing).

The Eagle 890 was perfect for today - I had the speed to stay ahead of the waves (unbroken and running) and this foil can surf nicely.  Maybe the SK8 750 would have worked also???

I might try to sneak in a lunch session tomorrow and get the parawing wet (check out the next post)


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