Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Wing Foiling Session - 8/13/2024

Winging today - 

Wind was stronger (at least at the beginning of the session).

Waves were smaller than yesterday (so not as fun).

Zach was out already when I got there (a little later than I had planned - I picked up a razor blade in my driver's side tire).  Kalani was launching as I was finishing setting up.

Same gear as yesterday - just switched to the Reedin SW2 4.7 (from the 5.2) 

Marlon was nice and flew his drone again.

And he must have been bored because he was pushing the envelope

Despite the smaller waves, if you were patient, there were some leftover good sized sets.

The wind did start to drop - I had a flashback of the last time I got stuck in the dead zone...

Roland and Duke also came out.  It was good while it was on!

I can't complain - I had fun!!!


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