Thursday, January 7, 2021

Evening Session - 1/7/2021

Marlon and I pulled an evening session today.  I brought the Viking out - need to make sure the surfboards know I still love them (don't tell the kiting gear and windsurfing equipment I split time between the foils and the surfboards - they'll get jealous...).  Marlon brought his longboard.

There was waist high waves breaking - combo of background swell, low tide and light winds.  It was actually pretty fun.

And the really cool part - I rode a wave for over a 1000 feet!  I picked it up on the outside and just maneuvered to stay in the pocket - sometimes crouching, sometimes dragging a hand, sometimes running to the nose or tail - anything to stay on the wave where it would release the most energy.  Super fun!!!

I'm glad I own a Viking!

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