Friday, January 29, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 1/29/2021

Another post work session.

HS1850, Uni 300 tail shimmed with the +1 trim fairing, 85cm mast, 60 cm fuselage, Ensis 6.0

Tide was a low high at 0.7'.  Wind was fun - 15 to 23mph and pretty consistent.  Arvin was out and he had a new Armstrong 5.5 wing.  He was up and down, but we all start small (he'll be ripping soon).

Yeah I was mowing the lawn, but I was focused on practicing my tacks.  As seen in the track below, I'm getting the turns tighter and when the wing is sized right for the wind speed, I can almost pop right out of the completed turn.  Tacks are really muscle memory - I bet if I skateboarded with a wing I could get these tacks down faster and more consistently.

There were a lot of sailboats out - Quests and Lasers - so I had a chance to "informally" race them - not even close - I smoked them silly.  According to my watch I hit 15.3mph (and I had the HS1850 on).  I'm think I could shave off another mph if I use the HS232 rear stabilizer.

Another successful session!

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