Friday, January 1, 2021

Wing Foiling Session - 1/1/2021

First water time of the new year!  Winds were nuking so I opted to wing foil.  With this being a new year I figured I'd try a new spot - White Plains Beach (yes I know it's not new, but it is new to me wing foiling wise).

With the wind way up, the surfer count was way down - but there were still several out there (getting blown down the shore at a good clip).  I brought the same setup as yesterday, and pumped up the Ensis 5.2 (could have used the F One 4.2 Swing I think).  The tide was dropping so I had to paddle the board out upside down a considerable distance to takeoff without touching bottom.

On the outside the wind was super strong - had to have been gusting near 40mph.  I stuck several tack outside and a few jibes inside - necessity being a great motivator for improvement.  I rode a bunch of non-breaking waves from the way outside, in through middles, back out and over to two-cots, and repeated the cycle.  It was just Kalani and I for most of the 2 and a half hours I was out.  Then Derrick, Leleo and one other guy came out.  I had my fill after almost 2.5 hours of super powered up riding. 

Great way to open up a new year!!!

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