Monday, January 18, 2021

Seal Coat on the Top Deck of the New Wing Board

I felt compelled to get more done on the wing foil board.  I went ahead and put a fill/seal coat on the top deck and the rails.  This is to fill in the holes in the EPS where the shaping process dug out the EPS beads.

Looks real good!  I'll get the bottom deck done tomorrow.  I've been debating on how I'm going to handle the double stringer and the foil reinforcement block.  My current line of thinking is to keep the block in one piece for this board, and route out a hole big enough to take the block in one piece.  If I go this route, I'll have to cut through two stringers with the router (which shouldn't be too hard to do).  I'll go just slightly deeper so I can load the bottom with the layers of reinforcing fabrics.  I'll also drill the breather holes while I've got the hole open.  Lots of work this week If I want to be glassing this coming weekend.

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