Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Progress on the Latest Garage Projects

I started today's garage work with applying carbon onto the chopped HS1550.  Instead of vacuum bagging this, I used the Jimmy Lewis method - saran wrap.

I'll unwrap the foil tomorrow, do a little sanding to fair in the seams, then assess if I have to put more work into filling the gaps.

After the front foil work, I immediately jumped to skinning (not really skinning in the sense of polyurethane boards - just taking off the top dinged/dirty top layers) and foiling the wing foil board.

I got the blank down to under 5" thickness.  And the nose rocker seems to be just right.  The rails look thick, but I'll be putting in a 45 degree chamfer in them as well as the tail so that will thin things out a bit.  I'll stop the chamfer short of the nose and just round things out up front (better for bouncing off waves and chop).  I'm going to have to drill through the two stringers to make sure there is continuity across the whole board for the vent.  Still got a lot of work on this one - cutting out the chamfers, blending in the rails drilling out the holes for venting in the stringers, plugging the drill slots, routing out the slots for the footstrap insert reinforcement blocks and the Futures One Shot finboxes, cutting out the insert slots and finbox slots, epoxy in the inserts/finboxes, laminate the bottom fabric, fair out the laps, laminate the top fabric, fair out the laps, apply labels/stickers, bottom fill coat, top fill coat, sand 30-60-120-180, drill out vent plug and leash cup holes, install leash cup and vent, grind down leash cup, sand 220-320-400, spray clear coat, sand 500-1000-1500, place deck pads, dremel holes through deck pads to expose footstrap inserts, outfit board with straps and leash loop - then fly!

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