Sunday, July 17, 2022

Garage Works - 7/16 & 17

I got some work done in the garage these past two days.  Yesterday I got the last fill coat on the rails and some of the spots where I shaved down the innegra on the top deck.

I also fixed the deck pads on Kalani's wing foiling board (rubber cement).

Today I got through all of the sanding on No.25 - that is until I finished and found four small spots that I should fill so they aren't problems later.  I grinded those open and applied epoxy with milled fibers, a little aerosil and some black pigment.

At the last second I remembered I had needed to patch some scratches on the 1095 and the 178 - with the extra epoxy, I applied a base.  Once this cures, I'll file and sand it flush.

Here is the 178 with the tips wrapped

And here is No.25 after the "final" sanding, and post grind and fill.  The small spots with epoxy fill should be faired in pretty quickly.  Then I'll start spraying multiple layers of clear coat on the board.

I started planning out the deck pad already.  If all goes according to plan, this board should be in the water on Tuesday (or Wednesday depending on the wind...)

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