Monday, July 25, 2022

Wing Foiling Session - 7/25/2022

After work session at Hickam.  I wanted to try jumping today so I put on the footstraps.  I took a guess on the location based off of the pictures I had taken, and on the width of the straps.

Everything else was the same as the past few days - RS 5.1/1210-178/85cm mast on No.25.

I headed out and made a few turns to see if the straps were in the right spot - then I headed out (over the reef since it was high tide) to Firsts.  There were some waves breaking and I got to ride several - but the straps weren't dialed in.

I headed in to make the adjustments and they ended up where you see them now (fingers up indicate the footstrap insert hole number from the front).

I forgot my watch at work so I used my phone and Strava for the track and speed log.  With the footstraps, I went ahead and tried jumping.  I got airborne four times - each higher than the previous attempt.  I can see some height in my future when I do this with incoming waves.

Good wind today!


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