Saturday, July 30, 2022

Wing Foiling Session - 7/30/2022

Hit Hickam with Kalani around 12:30 today.  Ryan and Bill were just finishing and they said it had been schlogging city.  Jim was taking a break and said it had been schlogging city.

I checked the wind and wished I had brought the 6.1 and the 1440.

Oh well - 5.1 and 1210 - run whatcha brung...

Some texture on the water, but there were some serious lulls.

When the gusts hit, it was on - I brought the GoPro out and got some interesting shots.  This one is me mid-tack.  You gotta lean over and commit to the turn.

And here is the prize!!!  I built No.25 specifically to jump.  At WPB, I can use the incoming waves as ramps and boost.  Here at Hickam you have to plan and wait for the right conditions.  If you look at the picture, rear stabilizer and front foil are clear of the water - not my first jump, but my first documented jump!!!

I did make a run out to Firsts.  The waves were on the small side because of the swelling tide, and the wind was pretty iffy.  I got one wave and came back in.

I guess this was what the wind was doing, but it sure didn't feel this strong.

The forecast for tomorrow is better.  Might get more jumps in!!!


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