Monday, July 4, 2022

Wing Foiling Session - 7/4/2022

 Hit WPB around 2:30pm - wind seemed to be dropping, so I pumped up the Reedin SWX 5.2 and bolted on the Kujira 1210.

The tide was rising from a low of 0.5', the swell was on the small side - but it was the wind that stole the show.  Some gusts pulled through that made me regret my gear choices.

Marlon came and flew his A2S - he was able to get some really cool videos.

Including keeping pace with Roland boosting!

I could have had the 3.6 at times with a 980 - and there were times where the 5.2 and the 1210 were perfect (and they are good insurance as this place can leave you high and dry at times).

I covered 15 miles - really fun waves - not as fun as the past several sessions at Firsts, but still awesome to grind out turns and try to get them tighter.

I should have put up the 4.2

Dropping down the bigger wave faces is where the peak speeds came from.

Hopefully I don't pick up E. coli - 


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