Monday, July 18, 2022

Wing Foiling Session - 7/18/2022

The wind was supposed to be nuking this afternoon - it wasn't.  The surf was still extra large, but the tide was high - 1 out of 3 is not so good.  And the wind ended up switching direction and was up and down - at times I needed the 6.1, others I could have used the 3.6.  I ended up with the Takuma RS 5.1.

I also opted for the biggest foil I brought with me - the Kujira 1210.

Jim had his Duotone Unit D-Lab 5.0 out - it looked a lot like the Ocean Rodeo A-series Glide.

I made one run out to check the surf - nothing but white water and the wind even died on me.  I did not want any of it, so I rode one in and hung out on the inside to work on transitions and get some speed runs in. 

The wind did not look like this.  This would have been nicer - what we got was just right of frustrating.  Can't complain - got out and winged.

Surprising that the 1210 gets a faster top speed than the 1095.


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