Thursday, September 29, 2022

Evening Session - 9/29/2022

I was debating about going today or not.  Then when I figured it would be nice to get wet, I debated about bringing the longboard or the foil.  From the picture below, you can see the call that I made.

I was wrong.

I should have brought the Viking in all its glory - and I would have caught all the waves.

I did catch a few - and one was full of carves, banks and even a trip back out.  But the tide wasn't as full as I thought it would be, the waves were small and the wind was strong enough to put some texture on the surface.  Not ideal foiling conditions - but I made the most out of it.

The wind is going to be minimal for the next several days.  I'm either going to finish the two prone foil boards I have on the rack, or I'll be exercising the Viking.


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