Saturday, September 10, 2022

Garage Works - 9/10/2022

After we got home, Marlon and I trimmed the hedge - I wanted to get that out of the way.  Then, I went and cut out the slots for the finboxes on both blanks (No. 26 and 27).

These both came out perfect!  Measure 3 times, cut once.

Then I went ahead and traced the template for Prayot's wing board on to one of the blanks I just brought home.  This is going to be something along the lines of a 4'6" x 23 7/8" x 3 7/8"

And I helped Marlon get more shaping done on the longboard he is making.  We started on the spoon under the nose, then started the rails on the bottom side, and moved to the top.  I used the electric planer to remove a ton of foam - Marlon wants this one to be really thin.

Lunch was a good stopping point.  We still need to round out the rails a little bit, then make sure the shape is good to go - but good progress on a Saturday!!!

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